About Me

“If YOU Don’t Take It – The Market Will!”

Hi, my name is Jason Sweezey… Before I started trading. I started out working in my early twenties as a bricklayer by trade.

I took a pre – apprenticeship masonry course, which lasted for about 5 months in 1987. And it all started, because when I was in High School, my shop teacher told me… for somebody who never put a trowel in his hand before, he said I had the knack to be a good bricklayer. He also went on to say that I was the best in my class. Speaking under his breath.

They say that 1 in a hundred can become a bricklayer. And actually 1 in a thousand like the job and make it their lifetime career. I liked it at first when I use to just lay bricks. The big heavy blocks I did not like. In fact, those heavy blocks are what made my back go out and convinced me to STOP bricklaying.

Laying in bed with my spine looking like a snake a lot of thoughts went through my mind like. Will I ever be able to walk again? Will my spine ever be straight again? For like 12 days I was praying I would get better.

Well that pretty much was my last attempts at being a bricklayer. My brother in law and nephew still do it till this day. I told my nephew Jess to go to school but he didn’t do it.

Instead he listened to his dad and became a bricklayer by trade. He did go to school. Just not the school I wanted him to go to. Instead he went to Trade school to become a bricklayer by trade like me. They both just love it … so like they say: do what you have a passion for right?

My dad was a school teacher. He had very good English and grammar skills. I guess this is where I got my passion to write. So, in 2001 I said to myself, there must be a better way to make money than to be a bricklayer, so I started trading Gasoline Futures Options with great failures.

From there I got into the grain markets trading corn, soybeans, and wheat Futures contracts. Another Grain Futures trader at the time introduced me to the Future Market back in 2006. And once I seen the charts on my PC screen that was it. I was hooked!

You see, when I traded the Futures markets I had no charts. I used to call in all my trade orders to my Futures broker. So you can see why I was instantly hooked on trading Future once I saw the charts. And out of the entire 19 years of trading the markets I found that trading “Divergence To Be The Best Trading Strategy – Ever!”

Since 2009 I have released a few ‘rock solid’ trading strategies to Future traders from all over the world. I have taught thousands of good every day people to trade the markets just like you. And now with my 20 years experience I am certain I can teach you, too…

Want to learn how to trade the “Best Trading Strategy – Ever!?” Go ahead and take me up on learning how to trade divergence – you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading my short story about me. Go ahead and take a look around I am certain you will find a lot of valuable information to help you in your quest to becoming a better Future trader.

Good luck and good trading,

Jason Sweezey